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No BOI Report? $500 per day in Fines!

Have you filed your BOI Report?

Important for companies!!!

You should begin to work on the Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Report and on your 2024 Annual report.

Contact us so that your company continues to have all its legal documentation up to date.

Avoid the Fine!!

If you do not file the BOI report, the fine will be $500 per day. Likewise, by not filing the Annual Report before 04.15.2024 with the state, then your company could be dissolved, which will bring additional payments to reinstate your company.

Deadlines to submit your BOI:

  • Companies created before 01.01.2024 – submit before 12.31.2024
  • Companies created after 01.01.2024 – submit before 03.31.2024


Don’t let your company get into trouble, call us today!!

Tax reporting season has already begun.

Don’t leave it for later!!

Call us at 321.243.2621 or 919.748.3047

Leyte Rivera

CEO Leyte Global Services

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